Tuesday, April 25, 2017

4/25 Websites

I have created a website. it was either wix or weebly. i created a website in 8th grade for my computer class with mr.suhr. I found it very easy to use but there where some few draw backs. editing the fonts and text and where to put the text was really hard. The Selection of the text and the difficulty to move text was hard but i hope by now they have made some changes in their websites.  Wix or Weebly is a great site for class projects and a quick presentation.  I will be doing my websites over my soccer team.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

4/18 Favorite new apps

I really liked this project  because it introduced us to new apps and web sites that we could use to make our lives easier. i think that this app was on the projects we have done in this class. i think my app was the best because its about food and how we can get food to us as fast as possible with our waiting in line. 

Monday, April 17, 2017

4/12 online surveys

i have never used google docs to create a form, but i have been in or used a survey. in classes like Honors English Language Arts and Honors Geometry, we have used a survey to provide feed back to the teachers and how the class room was running which included stuff like the safety of the class or the actually learning of the class. To create a form, i do not know what this mean but i'm guessing that its a survey about one topic that you can share every where and have people submit their answers.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

4/4 App investigation

i use apps almost everyday to help me get through the day. I use lots of apps like apple maps, gmail, snapchat, student vue, spotify, team snap, weather app, and more. these apps are really useful for everyday things. You can use these for finding your way through town or just entertaining yourself. The best app is the map app, its the best thing you'll ever find in your life, it will one day save your life probably.

Monday, April 3, 2017

4/3 My weekend

My weekend consisted of started mowing and working.  This weekend i started to work on my own and with my dad. other than work i just did the usually and hung out with friends. I went to movie with my family last night. we did the usual and ate some popcorn with our fat drink and watched some girls movie my sisters wanted to see. Well that was my weekend, and i didn't get any pictures to put on here.