Tuesday, January 24, 2017

1/24 Alphabet Advise

A: Always do your homework
B: Bring your best effort
C: Catch the curve balls
D: Don't give up
E: Eat your protein
F: Follow no rules
G: Give 100% effort
H: Have fun
I: IHOP is healthy
J: Just go with it
K: Kindness will bring peace
L: Love your self
M: Make your mark
N: Never say never
O: Open your eyes
P: Prepare your self for the future
Q: Quit what ever you dislike
R: Respect your elders
S: Stop being lazy
T: Take risks
U: Unite with others
V: Value what you have
W: Win as much as you can
X: X-rays will never show whats really inside you
Y: You always come first
Z: Zero excuses

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